Kharkiv National Medical University
| Kharkiv National Medical University | KNMU
Kharkiv National Medical University is an integral part of the scientific, intellectual and cultural history of the country, one of the oldest medical establishments of Ukraine, a member of the International Association of Universities. Being founded in 1805, it has acquired invaluable experience in training doctors and is a leader of medical education in the country. Since 1951, university has become one of pioneers in training medical personnel for different countries of the world. During this period our educational establishment has graduated over 7,000 specialists for 120 countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Middle East. Graduates of Kharkiv National Medical University work in all parts of the world; they return health, and often even life, to people, therewith creating a good reputation for their alma mater.
Our University will help you to become a high-level specialist and will provide with facilities for your further professional progress and career. We hope that the education, which you will receive at our University, is only the first step on the way of your life achievements, therefore we believe, that our further professional cooperation will be fruitful and long-lasting.
The history of the higher medical school in Kharkiv is more than 200 years long and closelyconnected with the history of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, because it sprang from itsMedical Faculty. The University was founded in 1805, a decree about its foundation was signed bythe Russian Tsar Alexander I, and the first Statutes of the University were approved at that time
In the XIX century, widely known doctors and scientists taught at the Medical Faculty of the University and worked in practical medicine. It was them who, for the first time in the Russian Empire, performed operations of ovariotomy, total resection of the stomach, operations on the open heart, as well as made significant scientific discoveries. In 1887, a special building was erected for the anatomical theatre of the Medical Faculty (now it houses the Department of Human Anatomy of our higher school); in 1896, four independent University clinics were built, namely: therapeutic, surgical, obstetrical and ophthalmological.
In 1910, the Kharkov Medical Society, which was created on the initiative of professors of the Medical faculty, founded the Women’s Medical Institute, where higher education was given to women.
In 1920 the Medical Faculty of Kharkov University was united with the Women’s Medical Institute, and Kharkov Medical Academy was founded; one year later the latter was given another name: Kharkov Medical Institute. Among its teachers there were a lot of outstanding pedagogues and scientists; streets of the City of Kharkov were named after some of them. These are: physiologist Danilevsky V.Ya., surgeon Trinkler N.P., anatomist Vorobyov V.P., ophthalmologist Girschman L.L., therapeutist Frankovsky V.A.
Many research institutes, hospitals and clinics were founded on initiatives of lecturers of KhNMU. These are, in particular, the Institute of General and Emergency Surgery, Malaya Institute of Therapy, Shapoval Regional Clinical Centre of Urology and Nephrology, etc. They became the basis for scientific and medical work of our University Departments in these fields.
In 1951, the University started training of foreign students. By now, the University has trained more than 3,600 specialists for different countries of the world.
In 1994, by a Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Kharkov Medical Institute served as the basis for founding Kharkiv State Medical University; the latter received the highest 4th category by results of its accreditation and fully justifies it today. In 2007 our University received the National status.
University Today
- Is a member of the international association of universities, registered under unesco;
- Has 8 faculties: 1ST – medical, 2ND – medical, 3RD – medical, 4TH – medical, stomatological, 5TH and 6TH – medical faculties for training foreign students; these faculties graduate doctors with the education-qualification level of a specialist in such specialities as general medicine, paediatrics, preventive medicine, stomatology; the faculty of postgraduate training provides continuous development of doctors’ skills during all their professional activity;
- Has 65 departments, whose faculty numbers 803 specialists in sciences and pedagogy; of them, there are 130 doctors of medical science, professors and 446 candidates of medical science, associate professors;
- Trains over 7,000 students, interns, masters, clinical postgraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates, more than 2,100 of them being foreign citizens from 70 countries of europe, asia, africa and america;
- Has the following personnel potential: 5 corresponding members of the national academy of medical sciences of ukraine, 17 honoured workers of science and engineering of ukraine, 2 honoured workers of higher school of ukraine, 8 winners of state prize of ukraine in the fields of science and engineering, 13 honoured doctors of ukraine, 28 members of the state and public academies of ukraine;
- Is a modern multi-type educational establishment with its powerful scientific, material and technical basis, which includes: 6 education-research-production units; 2 research institutes, such as the research institute of occupational hygiene and occupational diseases of khnmu and the ukrainian institute of clinical genetics of khnmu; the university stomatological centre as the medical-educational-scientific unit of khnmu; the scientific-practical medical centre of khnmu; the ukrainian scientific-practical medical centre of obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductology; the medical college of khnmu;
- Has 44 clinical departments, where medical work is done by 497 workers of the university (these consist of 96 professors, 191 associate professors and 210 assistants) and 128 doctors of the university clinics, 73 postgraduates, 48 clinical postgraduates and 32 masters; of them, there are 331 medical workers with the highest category, 68 with the first, and 59 with the second;
- Has 5 specialized academic councils for defending doctor’s and candidate’s theses; carries out training of doctors and scientists at such stages as interns, masters, clinical postgraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates;
- Took part in 126 international scientific forums and 340 ukrainian scientific forums;
- Cooperates with 18 foreign institutions;
- Participates in the realization of 16 international projects; 65 of its workers are members of 66 foreign scientific and medical organizations;
- Has the central research laboratory, 4 problem laboratories, the educational-scientific centre based on classrooms for phantom techniques of education and computerized classrooms, and the computer centre;
- Has the scientific library, whose fund comprises over 1 million copies, and 16 computerized classrooms; more than 550 modern computers, video and audio aids are used in the process of training;
- Is the place for active functioning of 18 scientific-pedagogical schools;
- Has its students’ self-government, six hostels, with the successful work of the youth centre, the complex for physical education and health improvement, and “medic” sports-health camp;
- Was a recipient of the gold medal of the international exhibition “education and career – 2010” in the nomination “development of students’ research”.
- 7 faculties;
- Educational Research Institute for Postgraduate Training at Kharkiv National Medical University;
- Medical college;
- 2 research institutes: Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Ukrainian Institute of Clinical Genetics;
- Central research laboratory;
- 4 research laboratories;
- Medical training and research unit of Kharkiv National Medical University “University Dental Centre”;
- Scientific-Practical Medical Centre of KhNMU.
- The training is given in the following specialties:
- General Medicine
- Dentistry
- Clinical postgraduate course (residency) lasting 2-4 years;
- Postgraduate course, the term of training is 3 years;
Faculty of Post Graduate Education:
- Radiology
- Therapy
- Dermatology and Venereology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neurology
- Pathological Anatomy
- Psychiatry
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Anaesthesiology
- Traumatology and Orthopaedics
- Ophthalmology
- Urology
- Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Childhood Gynaecology
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Surgery
- Hygiene of Children and Teenagers
- General Hygiene
- Public Hygiene
- Occupational Hygiene
- Cardiology
- Epidemiology
- Therapeutic Dentistry
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Orthopaedics
- Orthopaedic Dentistry
- Surgical Dentistry
Accommodation for the foreign students is provided by student hostels rated at 2,422 lodgers. In order to live at a hostel, the students must conclude a proper contract. This accommodation is available for the whole period of training. Hostel fees depend upon the size and comfort of the dwelling space.
The University Scientific-Practical Medical Centre provides medical care of students. The students regularly undergo prophylactic medical and photofluorographic examinations.
The students have meals at 2 canteens for 160 clients and 6 refreshment bars for 80 clients.
The students are provided with facilities for going in for sports. The University has 3 gymnasia (for games, gymnastics and heavy athletics).
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